Tuesday 18 September 2012

Question And Answer

1. What were your expectations on starting the course?
I had low expectations but just because of last year and how unorgansised it was. But i have been really surprised at how good the course is already and we are only a couple of weeks in.

2. What are your initial thoughts on JWC and the Media make up course?
I love it so far it is something i really enjoy getting out of bed for.

3. What is your funniest moment of college life so far?
Laura purred when i was doing her make-up i can not do her make-up without laughing

4. What is the most interesting thing you have learned or learned how to do so far?
The most interesting thing i have learned so far has to be how you make a mold of someones head for a wig. I wear wigs and wigs are a real passion of mine. So anything i am going to learn in this class i will find extremely interesting.

5. Who is your make up idol?
Kevyn Aucoin is my idol. His work is amazing and he got to do 9 vogue covers in a row. If anyone is inspirational that will be who it is.

6. Why do you want to be a MUA?
I orginally wanted to be a hairdresser but because i could get bored easily i wanted to team it up with something and make-up was the obvious choice, |I am always trying something new with makeup and i have so much fun with it. This is a job i will really enjoy and that is why i want to be a MUA.

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